merry christmas 2007!

now that just about all of the 2007 holiday timberloaves have been gifted, i can finally post a few pictures of them!

this year's design is called the timberelf. i cut and sanded 42 of them, painted white pants and orange skin tones on all of them, then painted each with either a rust, teal or olive hat. turned out the olive paint was kind of thin and required multiple coats. time constraints being what they were, only 5 timberelves wound up with olive hats.

check out the pictures to the left and in the gallery for a few different angles on the production line in santa's workshop (a.k.a. my basement.)

merry christmas.
happy holidays.
see you in 2008!

vacation sketchin'

i always keep a sketchbook handy while never know when inspiration will strike...or when your return flight will be delayed for over 3.5 hours and you'll be bored out of your gourd in terminal E5...rassumfrassum...

anyway, these guys hatched on a recent trip to miami beach with my wife.
i hope to work up the templates soon after the holidays and then start
fabricating a few of each.